Classification of Chinese Bus

Classification of Chinese Bus

     Common bus brands in China include Zhongtong bus , Kinglong bus, Golden Dragon bus, Ankai bus, Higer bus etc. Chinese bus can be divided into single cars and trains according to the overall structure. The single car is the basic model, which is usually divided into large, medium and small cars according to the total weight of the bus or the number of seats. China stipulates that the length of single passenger cars generally does not exceed 12 meters. The carriage and frame of passenger train are divided into front and rear sections.

     Generally, Chinese bus can be classified in two ways.

     By Use
Chinese bus can be divided into passenger bus, city bus, road bus and special bus according to their purposes.

     Passenger bus
A small bus with no more than 17 seats. According to its appearance, it is commonly known as "minibus" in China. The tourist bus is flexible and has high riding comfort.

     City Bus
The city bus is a common kind of large buses running in cities and suburbs. In addition to seats, there are also wide passages for passengers to stand and walk.

     Highway bus
Large buses running on highways between cities or towns. It can be divided into long-distance buses and short distance buses.

    Special Bus
School Bus 
School bus is used to transport students to and from school.

By length:
Mini bus with length less than 3.5m. Length: 3.5-7m, light bus. Length: 7-10m, medium bus. 10 -- 12m long, large bus. The length is more than 12m, and it is a super large bus.

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Model :According to bus model
Size :According to bus model