200 King Long BRT Buses Enter Uzbekistan, Advancing High-Quality Belt and Road Development

200 King Long BRT Buses Enter Uzbekistan, Advancing High-Quality Belt and Road Development
    On the afternoon of March 8, 2023, a fleet of BRT buses rolled out of the King Long factory. These vehicles will exit China through the Khorgos Port and are expected to reach the Uzbek capital, Tashkent, by the end of the month, contributing to the development of a green and efficient public transportation system.

    King Long is exporting 200 18-meter BRT buses to Uzbekistan, marking the company's entry as the first Chinese BRT bus brand in the country. This is also the largest BRT bus order delivered by a Chinese bus manufacturer along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) so far this year. "As a model of Chinese bus brands, King Long has maintained a deep friendship and solid cooperation with Uzbekistan for nearly 15 years. We believe King Long's high-quality products and reliable service system will provide a safer and better public travel experience for global users in Uzbekistan," said Ding Mingbin, General Manager of King Long, during his speech.

    The process from inspection, signing, to delivery of the 200 18-meter BRT buses took just over a month.

    Uzbekistan, a double landlocked country in the heart of Central Asia, is a key nation along the Belt and Road. The country plans to procure 2,000 CNG buses in the first quarter of 2023, marking its first large-scale purchase of public transport products.

    In January, the Uzbek Minister of Transport led a delegation to China to inspect bus manufacturers. The delegation highly praised King Long’s innovation, technology, product quality, and process management, and was particularly impressed with the company’s products, operations, and after-sales support in Xiamen’s BRT system. Ultimately, the order for 200 18-meter BRT buses was awarded to King Long.

    King Long conducted extensive research on local road conditions and customer usage habits in Uzbekistan, incorporating the findings into the design details of the vehicles, ensuring that their performance aligns with local transportation needs.

    For example, the 18-meter BRT buses are equipped with high-specification axles, high-grade lightweight CNG cylinders for enhanced safety, and imported automatic transmissions for easier driving. High-power radiators are used to accommodate the local climate, and interior configurations include more handrails for passengers, call buttons, and designated wheelchair areas to facilitate travel for passengers with disabilities.

    The Belt and Road Initiative has opened a new chapter in economic development between China and the world, creating new opportunities for Chinese companies like King Long to expand internationally.

    As a pioneer of Chinese bus exports, King Long first entered the Egyptian market in 2007. Over the years, the company has seized the opportunities presented by the Belt and Road Initiative, becoming one of the most comprehensively deployed Chinese bus manufacturers in Belt and Road markets. To date, King Long has expanded its trade footprint to 112 countries and regions, including Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. King Long has become a favored bus brand in Belt and Road countries, known for its excellent quality, comfortable experience, and reliable service system.
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